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About me

My career as a relationship coach and couple therapist

Individual coaching and couples therapy, Berlin and online

Your Coach Therapist

I am an empath, humanitarian at heart and at the same time a fighter in life. 

My ambition in life is to leave my mark.

I want to contribute to making our society, our relationships and ourselves emotionally healthier.

My name is Linn Ewers, I currently live in Berlin and offer to accompany you in your love life in individual coaching or couples therapy, online or face-to-face.


Whether you have a fear of abandonment, attachment issues, relationship issues, are looking for dating coaching or are in a toxic relationship, I can help you have healthier relationships.

Coach Therapist in Berlin

I invite you to learn more about my decision to become a coach and therapist online or in Berlin for couples and people who want a healthier future in love.

I was affected myself

and therefore bring much more than just professional competences with me. 


The environment I grew up in was characterised by emotional distance, instability, chaos, conflict and emotional abuse. Without meaning to, I slipped into the role of a parentified child and thus learned to take responsibility to save my family from what I thought was breaking up. I suffered an attachment and developmental trauma that left me with an infinite amount of pain, deep inner wounds and countless unhealthy behaviour patterns. I did not know my limits and needs. My antennae were always on the outside and I lived in a constant fight-flight mode. Self-confidence and self-worth were non-existent. I had social anxiety and great difficulty in interpersonal relationships of any kind. My love relationships were always the same way; I tried very hard but was always abandoned by my partners.

Today I share my experiences with you to help you live fulfilling relationships.

What life has taught me

My biggest realisations and changes were :

  • I had always chosen partners who could not give me exactly what I wanted. I had a passive fear of commitment.

  • I had a comfort zone in relationships where I had to work hard, give a lot and get little back. To have a healthy relationship, I needed to break these patterns.

  • For a long time I had not taken care of myself, never protected myself, neglected myself, let myself down and lost sight of myself. So all this time I had shown myself how unimportant I was to myself, how little I loved myself. The way I treated myself was the way others treated me.

  • I became aware that I had constantly overstepped my boundaries. By learning what boundaries were, I could be much more with myself, take care of myself and make sure I didn't lose myself in the outside anymore.

Through the inner work I found a way out of my relationship pattern and was able to transform my anxious-preoccupied and fearful-avoidant attachment style into a secure attachment style.

​The humanitarian in me

My childhood and youth were a time that left many deep wounds in me.

As soon as I could stand on my own two feet, I was drawn to the wide world and especially to places where people were suffering. People who were in need. My life had taught me to give, to be there for others and to take on a lot. So for several years I worked in humanitarian aid and supported the psychosocial work of Doctors Without Borders in crisis areas. The encounter with the extremes of this world enabled me to finally meet myself. That is a wonderful gift I took away from that time.

Today, I am still a philanthropist at heart. I like to give wholeheartedly. However, I no longer do it out of an inner hurt, but with ease, joy and self-care and for my own deep fulfilment. Maybe I can give something to you too?



Start now

The treasure is within you, you just need the key to it - the right one! Most of your behaviour, thoughts, feelings and coping strategies are conditioning from the past. In order to get your change, you are allowed to transform the old, which is no longer useful to you, into new patterns that make it possible to experience your life and love the way you want to.

What you need for this is firstly a deep work with the subconscious that dissolves your problems at the root.

Secondly, you need not only a deep awareness of yourself, but also tools that help you to better deal with your challenges in everyday life and thus have new experiences.

Thirdly, you need the ability to give yourself the help you need. Become your own coach!

Lastly, you need information, and by that I mean psychoeducation. Without this, your blind spots will prevent you from getting real change. Get it all in one. Change can be easy. Have the courage and get in touch with me!




Trust me!

In addition to my professional skills, I draw on my own long and rocky path of development to help you. I know the forces behind insecure attachment patterns, the blind spots that make you go round in circles and the powerlessness and helplessness with which you face some situations. I also know what it is like not to get the right help. In my own search for healing, I came into contact with many different psychotherapies, coaches and alternative healing methods. However, I couldn't seem to break out of my patterns.

My own breakthrough was to happen when I met the person who became my future teacher - Thais Gibson. My knowledge and skills were therefore significantly influenced by one of the pioneers and greatest experts in the field. I base my work on Thais Gibson's more than 20 years of experience and research on the topic of relationship and attachment behaviour.

It is very helpful for your own healing process to have someone by your side who has walked this path and knows the many pitfalls along the way. I suggest that you join me on the path and take a shortcut to your goal. I will take you by the hand and help you avoid certain mistakes, overcome hurdles more easily and enjoy the gifts that lie in store for you more quickly.



Now is your time

My work is at the service of people who are ready to finally live the life and relationships they want. People who finally want to tackle it and who have the courage to look inwards and want to grow. People who prioritise themselves and who understand that everything has a price.

Even though I have made my way and cleared up a lot of things within myself, I am not a superhuman. Just like everyone else, I too have doubts, fears and insecurities at times. But the difference is that they no longer rule my life. In the meantime, I know how to avoid typical traps, how to help myself in difficult situations and how to consciously give my life and relationships deep satisfaction, ease and fullness. I am now the designer of my life!

What I offer is exactly that. A toolbox, methods and step-by-step guidance for your life and relationships. The toolbox is individually tailored to you and your goal.

As a person I am empathetic, patient and yet direct and pragmatic. In my work I guide you gently, but also state with openness what I perceive. With me you can simply show yourself as you are. When I show you something, I do it to find blind spots with you, to give you a new perspective and to bring out the best in you.


I believe that I have something very valuable to give you. I, too, was not alone on my path. I know today that without help I would not have managed to get my change at this pace and with so much ease, security and sustainability.

Contact me and let's start your transformation to healthier and more fulfilling love relationships.

A question ?

Individual coaching and couple coaching in Berlin or online

I accompany you in your personal development around the topic of relationships, no matter what problems you have: Attachment anxiety, loss anxiety, toxic and emotionally dependent relationships, relationship addiction or relationship problems.
I welcome you in Berlin or offer you online coaching.

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